Books Set In South America: South American Novels Books South America World Traveling from one end of the continent to the other, this list of books set in South America…
Books Set In Delaware: Delaware Novels Books Delaware North America United States Often nicknamed the peach state, Delaware may be the second smallest state in the United States, but it…
Books Set In Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Novels Africa Books Zimbabwe Zimbabwe has been known by many names throughout its history, including Southern Rhodesia (a British colony), Rhodesia and Zimbabwe…
Books Set In Yorkshire: Yorkshire Novels Books England Europe Yorkshire As the biggest county in England, it comes as no surprise that there are an abundance of books…
Books Set In Sweden: Swedish Novels Books Europe Scandinavia Sweden My first adventure living abroad was in Malmö, a city at the southern tip of Sweden. It was…
Books Set in Maine: Maine Novels Books Maine North America United States With its famously rocky coastline, harsh winters and forested interior; Maine lies farther northeast than any other state…
Books Set in Cornwall: Cornish Novels Books Cornwall England Europe Placed on England’s rugged southwestern tip, Cornwall boasts the longest coastline in Great Britain. This incredible natural landscape…
Books Set In Oregon: Oregon Novels Books North America Oregon United States Located in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon is home to Crater Lake (the deepest lake in the country), Mount…
Books Set in Denmark: Danish Novels Books Denmark Europe Scandinavia This list of books set in Denmark, spans from classics through to contemporary fiction. There are a wide…
Books Set in Arizona: Arizona Novels Arizona Books North America United States I haven’t read many books set in Arizona (yet!), but I’ve certainly been lucky enough to visit this…
Books Set in Austria: Austrian Novels Austria Books Europe Austria has a special place in my heart. I spent my first holiday away from my homeland there.…
French Food Fiction: Books Around France for Food Lovers Books Europe Food Fiction France Feast your eyes on this delicious list of French food fiction. The following list includes books that blend…
Books Set in Romania: Romanian Novels Books Europe Romania I’ve just returned from a trip to Romania, where we spent a some time exploring the sprawling city…
American Food Fiction: Books Around America for Food Lovers Books Food Fiction North America United States If you’re a foodie who would love to travel the states of America, I’ve got just the list…
Books Set In Canada: Canadian Novels Books Canada North America Canadian literature is as diverse (and far-reaching) as the country itself! This list of books set in Canada…
Italian Food Fiction: Books Around Italy for Food Lovers Books Europe Food Fiction Italy Along with reading and travel, food is another of my great loves. So what could be better than…
Books Set In France: French Novels Books Europe France Without a doubt, my most common request is for a list of books set in France. And it’s…
Food Novels: Books for Food Lovers from Around The World Books Food Fiction World While my first loves are travel and reading, my next is most definitely food! This list of food…
Books Set In Belgium: Belgian Novels Belgium Books Europe Let’s take a look at books set in Belgium! I recently spent a few days exploring the gorgeous…
Books Set In Korea: South Korean Novels Asia Books South Korea I’ve been lucky to visit the bustling city of Seoul many times and as usual, books set in…
Booker Prize Winners, Shortlists & Longlists: Complete List Awards Books I’ve always adored reading and yet I’ve (embarrassingly) never really paid too much attention to literary awards. If…
Books Set In Indonesia: Indonesian Novels Asia Books Indonesia Have you read any books set in Indonesia? Despite studying Indonesian at school for most of my younger…
How to Start a Book Blog: In 4 Simple Steps Reading Tips If you’ve landed here and you’re wondering how to start a book blog, I’m guessing you love to…
Books Set In Africa: African Novels Africa Books World Africa is a part of the world I dream of exploring more. My travels have taken me north…